- Crisis reporting
- Documentation of conflicts
- Media professionals’ safety
- Media professionals’ emotional labour and mental well-being
- Ethnography and interviewing
Tarja Laine
- Cinematic affect
- Film and emotions
- Film and art
- Film phenomenology
- Film aesthetics
Catherine Lord
- Film aesthetics
- Film and psychoanalysis, particularly feminist and queer psychoanalysis
- Environmental humanities, including ecopsychoanalysis
- Film and psychoanalysis, particularly feminist and queer psychoanalysis
- Adaptations: literature-to-film and film-to-literature
- Frankfurt School, media, and the culture industry
Emiel Martens
- Postcolonial film and media studies
- Popular geopolitics
- Film (and) tourism
- Audiovisual industries (production, industry, policy)
- Film histories of the Global South
- Caribbean and particularly Jamaican cinema
- Humanitarian communication
- Alternative and activist media
- Creative and cultural entrepreneurship
- Film-based research / research-based filmmaking
Alexander Pablo Muller
- Aesthetic and political philosophy (identity, subject formation, time and space)
- Critical theory
- Film and media theory
- Psychoanalysis
- Experimental cinema and contemporary art
Uva profile
Julia Noordegraaf
- Audiovisual heritage
- Data-driven film history
- Digital humanities
- Film distribution and exhibition
- National and local cinema histories
- Dutch cinema
Christian Olesen
- Film historiography and theory of history
- Film archiving and digitization
- Media archaeology
- Digital Humanities and Digital Heritage
- Documentary and experimental cinema
- Sound theory and auditory culture
Asli Ozgen
- Postcolonial and decolonial thought
- Film history and archives
- Critical intersectionality and feminist theory
- Migration, displacement and media
- Film and/as politics
Floris Paalman
- Cinema, architecture and the city
- Media archaeology
- Audivisual archives and film curating
- Documentary
- Social functions of film
Patricia Pisters
- Film-philosophy (Deleuze and Guattari)
- Neurocinematics (affect, altered states)
- Film aesthetics (particularly genre & gender)
- Transnational media and politics
- Dutch cinema and documentaries
- Media ecologies
- Elemental media studies
Gerwin van der Pol
- Film spectatorship (emotions)
- Film auteurs
- Film aesthetics
- (European) national cinema
- South Korean cinema
Willem Pool
- History of media
- Multimedia learning
- Educational leadership
Eva Sancho Rodriguez
- Contemporary cinema
- Moral and political thought
- Film-philosophy
Wim Staat
- Film ethics
- Cinematic everydayness
- Film and philosophy
Tommy Tse
- Body, gender and sexuality
- Celebrity culture and fandom
- Chinese cinema (Hong Kong, Mainland China, and Taiwan)
- Consumerism and globalisation
- Fashion film: aesthetics, identity and practices
- Media and cultural theories
Michael Thomas
- Black aesthetics
- Social aesthetics
- Media and representation
- Philosophy of race
- Social and political philosophy
Tess Voormeulen
- Film aesthetics & close analysis
- Film Theory
- Visual Culture
- Film-philosophy
- Posthumanism
Tjalling Valdés Olmos
- Critical theory and cultural analysis (genre, affect)
- Theories of race, sexuality, class, and gender
- Representations of space (hinterlands / peripheries / non-urban geographies)
- (Settler) colonial and decolonial aesthetics
- Indigeneity and globalization
- Speculative history, critical fabulation, cultural memory
Vesna Vravnik
- Visual Aesthetics and Cultural Analysis
- Queer Balkan Cinema
- Queer Theory and Postcolonialism
- Activism and Film
Amir Vudka
- Cinema and war
- Philosophy of technology
- Media pathologies
- Spectral/haunted media
- Techgnosis
- Posthumanism
- AI