On May 2, 2023, at 4pm, Brian Price (University of Toronto) will give a ASCA public lecture entitled ‘After the Political, Aesthetic Affiliation’ in the Doelenzaal (UB) of the UvA Library. In this talk, Price will elaborate an aesthetic theory of solidarity with respect to Olivier Assayas’s recent television series. He will argue that Assayas’s recent television works, Carlos and Irma Vep (2022), simultaneously stage the problem of appearance in uniform terms, and propose, especially in Irma Vep, a way of understanding political affiliation in necessarily uneven aesthetic terms, where belonging depends less on relations of identity than on the very differences that constitute a need for ‘relation’ in the first place. In addition, on May 3, 2023, from 10am-1pm, Price will be giving a masterclass on the topic of ‘Moral Philosophy, Moving Images’. In case you want to join this masterclass, please register via a.m.geil@uva.nl. For the public lecture no registration is needed.