On Wednesday March 15, 2023, at 3pm, a session on the outcomes of three CLARIAH teaching fellowships carried out at the University of Groningen (RUG) will be hosted on location and online via Teams. The session’s physical location is the E-lab at the University of Amsterdam’s Media Studies Department (room 0.16 in BG1, Turfdraagsterpad 9). For those wishing to participate online, they can follow this link to join the meeting. The session’s guest speaker is Susan Aasman, Professor in Digital Humanities at RUG. In addition, current CLARIAH research fellow Vincent Baptist, Postdoctoral Researcher & Lecturer at the Erasmus University Rotterdam, will talk about his project Framing Industrial City Icons (FICI), which investigates processes of iconization across historical media collections for three selected post-war Dutch industrial landmarks, focusing on how general characteristics ascribed to (urban) icons may be translated into systematic methods for visual analysis.

Click here for more information on the three CLARIAH projects
Click here to join the meeting