
Filmcollege EYE Mūbii Japan – 90 Jaar Japanse Cinema

Bezoekers die meer willen weten van de Japanse cinema kunnen vanaf 5 oktober in EYE gedurende acht maandagavonden een in samenwerking met de Universiteit Leiden georganiseerd filmcollege volgen. Deze reeks van acht colleges biedt een overzicht van de Japanse film vanaf de vroegste stille films tot aan de arthousefilms uit het Japan van nu. Aansluitend op de colleges worden films vertoond die een doorsnede bieden van het programma van Mūbii Japan.

The Lima Collection

Quirine Racké & Helena Muskens will be the next guest curators in THE LIMA COLLECTION series. On September 15, the artist duo will give an insight into the relationship between media art and cinema.

In this screening series, the various (hi)stories of the LIMA collection and media art are being told with a focus on the main recurrent themes: activism, performance, cinema and medium specific.

Tuesday, September 15
LIMA, Arie Biemondstraat 111, Amsterdam
8:30 – 10:30 PM
7.5 / 5 euro

Michelangelo Antonioni Exhibition at EYE

12 September 2015 through 17 January 2016

EYE presents a major exhibition devoted to Italian director Michelangelo Antonioni. With his famous trilogy The Adventure, The Night and Eclipse, Antonioni became one of the most innovative directors of the 20th century.

The Adventure (1960) ranks as a turning point in film history, marking the start of modern cinema. A stylistic perfectionist, he renewed the grammar of film by thinking less in terms of narrative and more in terms of image. Film excerpts projected onto thirteen big exhibition screens show the overpowering visual force of his images. The exhibition also features unique documents, photographs and letters from the Antonioni archive in Ferrara, birthplace of the director.

The exhibition is curated by Dominique Païni in collaboration with Jaap Guldemond, Director of Exhibitions/Curator EYE, with the assistance of Maria Luisa Pacelli (Director, Gallerie d’arte moderna e contemporanea di Ferrara) and Barbara Guidi (Chief curator, Gallerie d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea di Ferrara).

Exhibition concept by Fondazione Ferrara Arte and Gallerie d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea-Museo Michelangelo Antonioni di Ferrara, in collaboration with Fondazione Cinetecca di Bologna.